
Where Should One Purchase Window Treatments?

Products, Window Treatments
Sunshine Drapery sliding glass doors window treatment

Consumers have many choices when it comes to various products. It’s America and there are plenty ofplaces to shop. First it was the big box stores opening and then the internet. We do not know what thefuture holds, but one thing is certain. Consumers represent 70% of the purchases made in America sothere is a lot of “pie” to go around. Where does one turn when it comes down to window treatments??Yes, the internet and big box stores sell them, but so do a lot of small business owners. One needs toevaluate several things when deciding where to shop. Probably the first two and most important thingsare your lifestyle and how you want your home to look and the other is budget. Custom windowtreatments and especially drapery panels and valances are all hand crafted. Drapery panels come invarious pleating styles allowing for unique looks depending on one’s hdcomm-7taste. Is your home traditional,transitional or contemporary? Can one get the unique look by going to a store or the internet andbuying something already premade? The answer is no. Ready made products are made to certain sizesand when it comes to windows, the sizes can vary greatly. A readymade will get your window lookingclose, but it just is not the same as custom. If budget is your concern and you have limited dollars tospend on a window(say less than $100 a window), then custom is just not going to work for youespecially in draperies and valances.   When it comes to blinds, shades, and shutters for windows, use areputable company that orders the product and made to fit your window. Hunter Douglas andComfortex Window Fashions are two blind , shade and shutter companies who continue to manufacturemost if not all of their products in the United States. They sell two and 2 ½ blinds, but what they havedone is transform the market over the past 10 to 15 years offering products that are shall we say “soft”in nature allowing a look of drapery but still considered part of the blind and shade market. Decidewhat you want in style and have a good idea for a budget and this should help one navigate the watersto find the right place to purchase your custom window treatments.

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