
Child Safety with Window Coverings is Serious Business

Blinds & Shades, Tips & Tricks
Sunshine Drapery sliding glass doors window treatment

It is a very sad but true reality - every year we hear about children who lose their young life due to strangulation with cords from window coverings. This can easily be prevented and here are some things to consider. First, if you have young children, will some day or even grandchildren and are buying a new home, then get products that are cordless. Every manufacturer today offers cordless options and on every product imaginable. Plus, they are very cost friendly and not prohibitive to buy. They are like televisions. When some of these bigger television options came out, the price was prohibitive. Over the years, the demand became so great and the competition increased that the price went down. The same can hold true to the cordless feature. Now, lets say you own your house now and have corded blinds in your home and you want to do something about it and can’t purchase cordless right now. Go to the place you purchased them and get cord cleats. The cord cleat allows you to “tie” the shade down. If you have a young child with a crib, then be sure to place the crib minimally four feet away from the window.   Another option is to take the cords that you do have and cut them short immediately. The window shade will still operate effectively. The CPSC currently recommends that cord lengths be less than 7 ¼ inches when the blind is in the down position. However, keep in mind that when the blind is raised, the cord naturally becomes longer so it does poses a strangulation hazard..thus, why one needs a cord cleat. For more information on cordless window coverings, go to www.PFWBS.org or contact your local window covering company.

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