
7 Tips You Can Use to Wake Up A “Tired” Room

Decorating Fabric, DIY
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Your furniture is still in good shape; your carpeting and/or area rugs are not ready for replacement, and you cannot justify replacing your expensive window treatments when they are only a few years old. Yet, your room looks “tired” and you are tired of it. There are many ways to re-awaken that tired room, however, without spending a bucket load of money!


Change the colors or add a dramatic accent wall. Consider upvc spraying for the living room windows. Perhaps use some of the new ideas for stripes or patterns. This single change can make a room look totally different and “new” to you!

Wall Art

Just changing pictures and other wall art can renovate the “look” of a room. There are so many inexpensive pieces of all type available now, that this renovation can be achieved for just a few hundred dollars.

Pillows and Throws

Accent pillows can transform a room. Look at the colors in your room; study room arrangements in furniture galleries; take great ideas for contrasting and colorful accent pillows and use them. Again, accent pillows provide a wonderfully inexpensive way to provide a new look. In the same vein, throws for couches and chairs can give furniture pieces a rather complete transformation, if great stripes, patterns and colors are selected. Solid color throws should be in contrasting colors; coordinating stripes, plaids, or patterns should “blend” with the furniture in the room.


Most people don’t consider changing lamps and/or shades, so long as those lamps are functional. Traditional lamps and shades, however, can contribute to the tiredness of a room. Now, lamps and shades come in all types of materials, shapes, and colors, and “spicing up” a room with them is an easy and relatively inexpensive accomplishment.


Even if you do not want to wallpaper an entire room, consider some of the more innovative uses for it. Borders around doorways and windows create great accents; consider replacing a chair rail with a wallpaper border instead; use wallpaper border to create a design on a painted wall; frame a great looking wall paper for a wall art piece.


Give your occasional tables a “face lift.” Re-finishing and/or painting small tables will give you great accent pieces for a “tired” room. The new materials available for these projects are easy to use and can create stunning effects, and there are instructional videos available online for any of these products.  

Replace Less Expensive Furniture Pieces

A friend of mine really dis-liked her dining room set after she had renovated her dining room area. After she priced new sets, she realized that replacement was beyond her budget. Because the table had relatively sleek lines, she chose to re-finish it with a gun-metal gray stain and replace only the chairs. She chose relatively inexpensive contemporary chairs in different colors, and her dining room area is now a focal point of her home!

Final Thoughts

Getting a little creative and researching the ideas of others can result in great new looks at very reasonable prices. Don’t be afraid to try something – if it doesn't work for you, you haven’t spent much money, and most any of these projects can be “undone.”
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