
Need a Home Makeover? Check Out These Tips on How to Redecorate

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If you feel like your home is in dire need of a makeover, you're not alone. Many people think this way at some point, and with good reason! Your home reflects you; if you're feeling bored or stuck in a rut, it's time to do something about it. This blog post will give tips on redecorating your home and breathing new life into your space!

Questions to Ask Yourself Before the Home Makeover

questions to ask before you redecorate your home Many people hesitate to redecorate their homes because they need help figuring out where to start. If this is you, don't worry – we're here to help! Before you get started on your home makeover, there are a few things you should consider:
  • Why do you want to redecorate? Is it because you're bored with your current design? Are you looking for a change? Or are you trying to update your home for a new season or holiday? Knowing why you want to redecorate is key – it will help you determine the direction you want to go in.
  • What can you afford? Redecorating your home can be expensive, so it's important to set a budget and stick to it. Don't overspend on things that aren't essential – focus on the big picture and save the little details for later.
  • What do you want to change? This is probably the most critical question of all. What elements of your home do you want to change? Do you want to paint the walls a different color? Add new furniture? Change the window treatments? Make a list of everything you want to change and start from there.

Getting Started with the Redecoration

get ready to redecorate Once you've answered these questions, you're ready to start redecorating! And don't worry – even if you don't have a lot of experience, it's easy to get started. Just follow these simple steps:
  1. Define your style. This can be tricky, but it's important to have a general idea of the style you want your home to have. Do some research online or in magazines and try to find styles that appeal to you. Once you've defined your style, start incorporating it into your home decor.
  2. Find inspiration. As we mentioned before, inspiration is key when decorating your home. Look for inspiration everywhere – online, in magazines, stores, etc. Once you find something that catches your eye, take note of the details and try incorporating them into your home design.
  3. Get creative! Don't be afraid to experiment with different colors, textures, and styles. The best thing about decorating your home is that there are no rules – so go crazy and have fun with it!

The Makeover

Now that everything is prepared, you may now proceed with the redecoration. Here are tips you need to remember when you start your home makeover:

Decide What to Keep and What to Toss

declutter before redecorate your home One of the most important things to do is declutter. This may seem daunting, but it's essential if you want your home makeover to be a success. And who better to teach us about decluttering than Marie Kondo? In her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, she teaches readers how to get rid of the clutter once and for all so that they can live a happier, more organized life. According to Marie Kondo, you should only keep items in your home that "spark joy." If an item doesn't bring you happiness, it's time to say goodbye.

Set the Mood

choose proper lighting to redecorate your home Once you are done decluttering, it's time to start setting the mood in your home. This is done by choosing the proper lighting, color palette, and furniture. To start, choose a light bulb that will set the mood you want for your room. For example, choose a soft yellow light bulb if you want a relaxing atmosphere. If you want to create a more energetic vibe, choose a brighter light bulb. Next, choose a color palette. This can be done by picking colors that complement each other or selecting a color theme (e.g., neutrals, pastels, etc.). Keep in mind the mood you want to create, and try to stick to colors that will help achieve that mood. Finally, furniture plays a significant role in setting the mood of a room. Choose both comfortable and stylish pieces – you don't have to sacrifice one for the other! And if you're unsure what furniture style you want, plenty of online resources (like Pinterest) can help inspire you.

Find the Right Window Treatment

find the right window treatment to redecorate your home

Window treatments not only add style and personality to a room but can also play an important role in the overall decorating scheme. By choosing the right window treatment, you can enhance the look of your home and achieve the desired mood or style. For example, if you want to create a relaxing atmosphere in your home, consider using window treatments such as blinds or curtains with a soft fabric. This will help diffuse the light and create a cozy environment. If you're going for a more modern look, opt for window treatments such as roller shades or window film. These treatments are sleek and stylish and will help give your home a contemporary feel. No matter your style, window treatments can greatly add personality to your home and make every makeover unique.

Let The Experts Help You Today

Sunshine Drapery & Interior Design is a St. Louis-based window treatment provider that can help you choose the perfect window treatment for your home makeover. No matter what style you're going for, we have window treatments that will fit your needs. And if you need help deciding what style you want, our experienced staff can help you find the perfect window treatment that will fit the mood you are aiming for. Our window treatments are competitively priced and are available at a fraction of the cost of other window treatment companies. So, if you're looking for experts to help you choose the perfect window treatment for your home makeover, look no further than Sunshine Drapery & Interior Design.
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